Sunday 4 November 2012

Curly Hair? Not so Fair!

I’ve been dying to put something down on this blog, but emotionally it’s been a quite a ride lately. I think I’m finally ready to get to it though, and I hope to make this one short!

I don’t mean to brag, but for some reason, people recognize me as ‘the girl with the curly hair’, least most of the time. I’m rather known for my curly hair! So often I have people come up to me say “Oh my gosh! How did you do that to your hair?” or “ Man you’re so lucky you got curly hair! “. Then there are the crazy men that say “Oh I fell for your Hair!” (This reminds me of the time I was walking down the street, when I noticed a man running behind me screaming, “Excuse me! Excuse me! *pant pant* How did you curl your hair, I’ve been dying to do that! *pant pant* . Me: *seriously?!*) In reply, I say I was born with it or just smile it off, while at the back of my mind I go “ you have NO idea!” ( Again, not bragging!)

There are days I wake up with the most amazing hair day ( and I know you've been there too) and there are the other days I roll it up hoping no one would notice. Then are the other days when I really don’t mind take a scissors and snipping it all off! There I said it! CHOP IT ALL OFF! And I do NOT need to mention what humidity can do my hair (those of you with curly hair would know what I'm talking about).

Okay, enough with that. But there’s something important I want to take from all of that, personally.

My walk with my Creator , lately, has been what I call “ A Bad Hair Day!” I wake up an unhappy person and the day just seems so bleak. So I roll up my hair, wear a smile and carry on. Then there is the craziness all around me, the competition, the humidity. Just about makes a ‘bad’ hair day, worse. The longing for a ‘good’ hair day becomes a desperate need.

Then there are the days I let my hair loose or the ‘good’ hair days. I wake up a happy person, knowing that nothing can bring me down, because “ I know the One in whom I believe and I am convinced that He is able to guard of what I’ve entrusted to Him that day. “ (2 Timothy 1:12).

But why does the humidity set in so often??

Over the last weekend, I was reminded of a story in the Bible, that really forced a smile on my heart. Growing up, I’ve read this story a million times before, but this time it struck me hard! The Story of Elijah. Elijah, was undoubtedly one of the greatest prophets that lived during the 9th Century. Every act of his proclaimed the existence of a True, Holy and Living God. He was prayed and there was drought, he was fed by the ravens, he made a jar of oil overflow, he had a tremendous victory against the prophets of Baal, all because His Creator, was by his side. Elijah walked with God. They were like ‘best buddies’. A wonderful relationship I must say. But even after his victory, though He knew his ‘best friend’ was by his side, he ran away to flee from an evil woman who was out to kill him. Yes, he had a ‘bad hair day’. Did his Creator forsake him? No. Rather, he was back to having ‘good hair days’. (If you aren’t familiar with the story, do read about his life in the book of 1 Kings, and be inspired! )

To all my fellow followers of Christ out there- Are you having a bad hair day? It’s really alright! Sometimes it just takes rolling up your hair and wearing a smile, trusting a good hair day awaits you! All it needs is some pruning, and you’re good to go!

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, try Jesus! You’ll know what I mean by a ‘Good hair day! ‘

1 comment:

  1. Amazing and Inisightful as always! God bless you sis! :)
