Monday 9 July 2012

Whoa! That's a Pricey Book!

Caught up in the middle of exams, this thought came to me when I saw my mom sticking up a bible, whose binds were wearing out. “If that was not a bible, would she be as bothered? For that matter, if those words weren’t printed on those papers, would it have any value at all?”

All those books you treasure so much, how much would you care if those were just empty pages? Some of us do save up books with fancy covers too right? But are they as valuable as the one’s with things written on those pages?
I stopped to think about myself for a minute. What about me? What makes me so valuable? I wake up every morning, brush my teeth, pray, get to college, yada yada yada… But what makes me valuable enough to love myself and live through every day?

Jesus! Yes, Him.

Romans 3:22,23,24 (The bible)
"this righteousness is given through faith to all who believe"
So this ‘value’ didn’t just come to me when I woke up one fine morning, it was added to my life when I choose to accept Him!

But why??

Did you know you were created in God’s image?
 “.. God created man in his own image” – Genesis 1:27.( The bible).
You see, this ‘Sovereign’ decided to create you just like Him (No, not His face)! What’s most comforting is to know that God, this ‘Sovereign’ Being, is not just another ‘God’, but someone who chose to love you! So if you were created just like Him, in His image, that would mean He feels the way you do!

Wait! It gets better!

Psalm 139:16,17,18,19 (the Bible)
"For you created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in the secret place, when i was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be"
So not only were you created like this 'Sovereign' but He also loved you enough to plan every minute of your life, waaaaayy before you were even created!

There it is- You are loved. Hence, valued.

Imagine yourself to be an empty book, with a fancy cover of ‘course! You are of some value in this world only because of that fancy cover, but still empty inside. When you allow Jesus to take over your life, you become a valuable and pricey book! Loved and treasured.

He added value to my life- wrote on all those empty pages and made me more than an empty book with a fancy cover.

And here is something that could make you smile (Absolutely love this one! ) :

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