Saturday 2 June 2012

What do I really want?

I want EVERYTHING. To live life to its fullest. To experience it ALL!

I want to go back in time. I want to go back to being a child, where the greatest worry was being afraid of picking up a ginormous chocolate bar at a supermarket and not being yelled at. I want to make right many things I messed up as a teenager. I want to fix every broken relationship.

I want to go backpacking around the world and learn about every country, every cuisine,  every culture and every language. I want to climb the highest mountain and feel on top of the world. I want to travel around space. I want to set foot on the moon and do the birdie dance. I to skydive. I want to bungee jump off the tallest bridge.I want to scuba dive and try every other thrilling activity.

I want to walk in a rich man's shoes and taste life in extravagance. I want to know what it's like to be famous. I want to walk in a poor man's shoes and to know what it's like to worry about my next meal.

I want to dine with Adele and ask her what inspires her music. I want to design the fanciest clothes. I want to draw. I want to paint. I want to serve. I want to be the first to discover something new. I want a wardrobe full of shoes. I want to be a superhero. I want to be a cartoon. I want to solve crimes. I want to be baker I want to be a successful lawyer fighting for humanity.I want to feel the thrill of driving a truck. I want to drag race. I want to drive at 200kmph and feel the wind in my hair. I want to be a singer. I want to dance till I drop. I want to act. I want to own a farm. I want to know all there is to know about food.I want to be an entrepreneur, to sell the most amazing pastries there ever were. I want to dine in a hot air balloon. I want to fly. I want to meet the man of my dreams, have a fairy tale wedding and have a houseful of kids. I want to be a supermom. 

I want…..… the list goes on and on and on, simply ‘cause I want to experience EVERYTHING.

While most of the things are not close to possible, most of them are still things I know can achieve with determination. However, I know for a fact, that NONE of those can give me utmost satisfaction!

Over time there’s one thing I've tried but found most hard to achieve 
        -keeping up my relationship with my Creator!

 I’ve had the ‘highs’, I’ve had the ‘lows’ and I lived 'in between', yet never, never, never, have I achieved perfection and I know I never will.

More than anything this world can offer, I WANT my Creator to be my life experience!


  1. Till the last few lines, all that was running in my mind was, "Oh...she's so full of herself!"...:P

    Looking forward to more from u! :)

  2. That was so relaxing! I was visualizing everything you mentioned, one after the other. Took me to some place way better.
    But thanks for reminding me what my utmost need and desire should be!

  3. hey but i disagree..... u will at a time have the perfect relationship right?? (correct me if i'm wrong)
